AndroidDevelopers官网入口网址,面向 Android 开发者的官方网站。为应用开发者和设计人员提供 Android SDK 和文档。
MicrosoftDesign官网入口网址,浏览适用于家庭或企业的 Microsoft 产品和服务。购买 Surface、Microsoft 365、Xbox、Windows、Azure 等产品/服务。查找下载内容并获取支持。
GoogleDesign官网入口网址,At Google we say, “Focus on the user and all else will follow.” With this in mind, we seek to design experiences that inspire and enlighten our users.
iPhone尺寸官网入口网址,PaintCode is a unique vector drawing app that generates Objective-C or Swift code in real time, acting as a bridge between developers and graphic designers.
设备尺寸官网入口网址,Build beautiful, usable products faster. Material Design is an adaptable system—backed by open-source code—that helps teams build high quality digital experiences.
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